Hometown Lost

There are advantages to living close to your hometown, never far from friends and family, but it also serves as a reminder of how much it has changed, I can actually get lost. i have always been a landmark driver, not so hot on street names but great at landmarks and businesses. You do get to know the streets in the area you travel most but most places I follow a familiar route to where I'm going but couldn't name the streets. businesses change and move, no longer can I find the giant neon cat of Katz Drug, The many Hinky Dinky stores, the sweet smell of grease inviting you to Millies Tenderloins and the hulking screens on the horizon of the many Drive in Movies that marked the edges of town and civilization. They've bent, twisted and added so many roads my regular routes have been erased. Roads I traveled between towns are towns now, thank goodness for GPS and my wife. We've always talked about the time I might have to give up driving because my skills might diminish, well the skills have survived but the fear of getting lost has developed. Being Chauffeured isn't that bad and I don't miss my mouth with my coffee cup as I ride. Have a Great Weekend!

Breakfast Club is at Lithis Honda and Nissan this Morning and will move to Northcrest Community in the month of April. It's your best way to get caught up on local events every Friday morning from 7:30 to 8:30 am.

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