Rage Release

Woe is me, what has this world come to? Words I heard often from my Grandparents, parents and so many more as I traversed this world from childhood. I, of course, having been an extraordinarily perceptive child wondered whether this was the mantra since mankind began. As we progressed and added conveniences and complications to our lives we did not keep up with the ability to comprehend the problems they might pose. As we adapted to the situation we seemed to lose a certain component of patience and understanding for those who were not as quick to adapt as us. As an alternative to patience we developed rage, hopefully limited to the confines of our private spaces but often spilling out into the streets. Well my friends this disease has found a cure, all across our great nation some inventive and profit seeking folks are developing "RAGE ROOMS" where for the small fee of $80 you can go in for a limited time with a sledge hammer and assault the inanimate objects that make your lives a living hell. Unfortunately the cure will only last until someone texting in their vehicle has impeded your progress to your next objective, about 5 minutes average. Rage Rooms may become our newest addiction, are they asking for investors?

Iowa State Homecoming this Saturday has them taking on the Red Raiders of Texas Tech. We'll begin our coverage on the East Terrace of the Alumni Center at 7am with the Cyclone Tailgate Show on 1430 KASI, 1430kasi.com, and on your iHeart app.

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